What is a sus chord piano?

What is a sus chord piano?

Sus chords are three note chords. They are made up of first note, either second or fourth note and fifth note of a scale. Sus is a short form of word suspended. There are two types of sus chords: sus2 (suspended second) and sus4 (suspended fourth). If you saw sus...
What are Accidentals in Piano Music?

What are Accidentals in Piano Music?

In piano music, accidentals are notes that are not member of a scale. They are represented by flat, sharp or natural sign. For example, in C major scale, notes are C-D-E-F-G-A-B so use of any sharp and flat is accidental. However, in G major scale notes are...
What are the Black Keys on a Piano?

What are the Black Keys on a Piano?

This is a beginner guide to black keys on piano. Black keys on a piano are half-tone(half-step) notes of white keys.They are called sharps and flats. They are raised up, slender and shorter than white keys on piano/keyboard.They have the same name as it’s closest...