Why Do My Hands Hurt When I Play Piano?

Why Do My Hands Hurt When I Play Piano?

One of the first things that you’ll learn when you take piano lessons is what your posture should be and where you should position your hands and fingers when you play. Many piano teachers, in fact, can tell when someone is “self-taught” because they will not play the...
Does Playing Piano Make You A Better Singer?

Does Playing Piano Make You A Better Singer?

Singing and playing piano translates across any style of music. If you can sing to piano, you can vocalize to just about anything. Unfortunately, far too many modern singers are eschewing the piano because it is too much of a “classic” sound. But as a serious...
How Do You Relax Your Hands While Playing The Piano?

How Do You Relax Your Hands While Playing The Piano?

Some of the characteristics that a piano player needs to excel at are focus, flexibility, and endurance. The hands of a piano player are the main tools when it comes to tickling those ivories with vigor. Of course, since a pianist has to practice non-stop, their...
5 Ways to Practice Music Theory for Beginner Piano Player

5 Ways to Practice Music Theory for Beginner Piano Player

If you’re just starting to play the piano, you may wonder why you need to learn music theory at all. After all, many successful musicians were entirely self-taught and all you want to do is express yourself in sound! The truth is that savants who can produce and...
Pros and Cons of Learning Piano Online

Pros and Cons of Learning Piano Online

People learn piano for different reasons. Some may take piano playing simply as a hobby and some may pursue piano playing with goal of becoming professional pianist. Whatever the reason maybe, learning to play piano is wonderful skill to have.So, if you are someone...
How Can I Make My Piano Rhythm Better?

How Can I Make My Piano Rhythm Better?

When you’re a pianist, you know how important rhythm is. After all, playing the piano is much more than just playing notes on some sheet music. Without the right rhythm, music just won’t sound right, and while it’s true that piano players have a lot of things going on...