If you’re 30 or older and you want to learn how to sing, take heart because you’re not the only one in this boat. In fact, a lot of people wait until they’re older to take singing lessons. If you’re wondering if you can learn to sing after the age of 30, the answer is a resounding “yes.” Music is something people can learn at any age and, in fact, it’s more likely that kids will be considered too young to learn than adults will be considered too old. There are even several reasons why starting singing lessons later in life is beneficial, and we’ll get to that soon.

5 Reasons Why Being “Too Old to Sing” Is a Myth
Many people are old at heart and, therefore, they consider themselves “too old” to do numerous things. The problem with that is that most of these things are merely myths and not based on reality. Let’s take a look at five of the reasons why being considered “too old to sing” is a myth.
1. No One Is Ever Too Old
The truth is, no one is ever too old to sing or learn to play an instrument. When you see young children belting out tunes on various television shows, it’s easy to get a little intimidated. In fact, this alone will make you feel like you’re too old to learn to sing, but that isn’t the case. With rare exceptions, anyone can learn to sing regardless of their age. Does this mean you’re guaranteed to be the next great pop singing sensation? Not necessarily, but it does mean you can learn to sing and be pleasant to listen to. If you want to sing, therefore, don’t use your age as an excuse not to get started.
2. You Likely Never Sang Before
Another reason you’re not too old to start singing is that you likely feel this way because you’ve never sung before. When you think about it, the phrase “too old” is rather silly anyway, mostly because “old” is a subjective term. The truth is, singing has been part of the human existence since the beginning of time, so regardless of why you want to learn to sing in the first place, you owe it to yourself to go for it. Even if all you’ve ever done is sing in the shower, that doesn’t mean you can’t improve your singing voice so that you can at least entertain your friends at your next party.
3. You Might Think You’re Tone Deaf
Some people reach a certain age and have already convinced themselves that they are tone deaf, which is why they never sang in the past. The truth is, true tone deafness is extremely rare, so it isn’t very likely that you suffer from being tone deaf. Even if you already sing, you still need to work on pitch, tone, and singing in tune, all of which take time. As a singer, you’ll be continuously improving your skills, so thinking you’re tone deaf or can’t carry a tune is likely just a result of not having had any formal training up to this point.
4. You Think It’s Too Late for a Singing Career
If you think about all of your favorite singers, it’s very likely that at least some of them didn’t have hit songs until they were over the age of 30, sometimes even older. The truth is, even if you’ve waited until later in life to learn to sing, you still have a shot at making singing your career. The goal should be to work hard, not give up on yourself, and accept the fact that you are not too old to start singing. The vast majority of people out there can sing if they have the right instruction and devote themselves to it, so it’s not too late for you, either.
5. You Think Your Voice Is Lousy
A lot of people think that because they’re older, their voice is just plain bad. But just like people who sing and think they’re singing off key, there is a remedy to this problem. With the right vocal coach, you can greatly improve your singing voice because you’ll be learning the techniques you need to sound better with each and every lesson. Most people can sing if they have the right support and assistance, and few people have great voices without any lessons or instruction.
Beneficial Reasons to Start Late
One of the main reasons it’s beneficial to start singing later in life is that your vocal cords and voice are already established and stable. During puberty and even early adulthood, people’s voices can crack and change, meaning their singing will be a little less even and strong. Once you reach the age of 30, however, this isn’t the case. In fact, people well into adulthood have strong voices and sturdy vocal cords, so in many ways their voices are easier for the teachers to work with.
There are also many health benefits to singing that older people can benefit from. Some of these benefits include the following:
- It relieves stress. In fact, some studies have proven that the amount of cortisol found in the body was lower after singing, which is an indication of low stress.
- It helps improve lung capacity. This is especially beneficial to people who suffer from COPD, cystic fibrosis, asthma, and any other ailment that makes it harder to breathe.
- It enhances memory function. When people who have Alzheimer’s or dementia sing regularly, their memory improves quite a bit, which makes this an enormous benefit for older individuals.
- It increases the pain threshold. Singing releases endorphins, which is a hormone that promotes happiness and changes one’s perception of pain.
- It helps improve speaking abilities. People with autism, stuttering problems, and ailments such as Parkinson’s disease find that when they sing regularly, it becomes easier to talk and to be understood by others.
- It may help with snoring. While the studies are new, there is some indication that regular singing can help reduce snoring in older individuals.